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10 Easy Steps for More Sales and Self-Motivation


10 Easy Steps for More Sales and Self-Motivation

You are selling yourself every day of your life, and until you are successful in doing that, nothing will happen.

Whether we like it or not, we are all in the business of selling. It doesn't matter if you're a manager or a politician, an engineer or a doctor, a lawyer or an accountant, etc.

We all invest a lot of time in trying to convince others to use our product or service, accept our ideas, or simply believe what we have to say.

You need to work on motivating yourself and selling yourself before you can influence or persuade others.

Here are 10 easy ways to motivate yourself:

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#1: You must have faith in the merchandise

Selling yourself is similar to selling anything, really. First and foremost, you must have faith in what you are selling. That entails having faith in "you." Lots of positive self-talk and the appropriate attitude are key.

People notice your attitude about you right away. If you're like most people, you occasionally struggle with a lack of confidence.

What matters most is how you speak to yourself. The majority of people hold themselves back in life because they are more likely to talk negatively to themselves than positively.

It involves having the right attitude the caliber of your thinking rather than just having a positive attitude.

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People who are successful view themselves and their work in a positive and constructive way. They have a relaxed, assured, and upbeat outlook on life. They are confident in themselves and think that they will succeed no matter what they do.

You should constantly work on your attitude if you're a manager, business owner, or salesperson. You ought to pay attention to that inner voice. Does it suggest that you're in control, bold, and confident, or is it restraining you?

You should either change your self-talk or look for a new job if you find yourself saying things like, "I can't do this or that," "They won't want to buy right now," or "We're too expensive."

Start to have confidence in yourself and stop letting external factors affect your outlook.

Stop criticizing, condemning, and whining, and start sharing some joy.

Keep in mind Henry Ford's adage, "If you believe you can do something, or if you believe you can't, in either case you're probably right." Ford Motor Company founder.

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#2: The packaging needs to be eye-catching

The packaging and presentation of the product, like any other item we purchase, will affect the customer's choice to purchase.

You need to look good from head to toe, and you need to dress appropriately for the situation. And don't assume that just because your client wears casual clothing, that means they expect you to do the same.

Your eyeglasses, shoes, briefcase, watch, the pen you use, and the style and color of the clothing you wear all say something about you.

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#3 - Smile

No need to overreact; all you need is a pleasant open face that doesn't scare people away, not a big cheesy grin.

#4 - Utilize names

As soon as you can, use the customer's name, but don't overdo it. Nowadays, business is less formal, but be cautious when using first names. Make sure your client is aware of and remembers yours. You can use the tried-and-true repetition technique by saying, "My name is Bond, James Bond" or "My name is James, James Bond."

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#5 - Observe the other person

What do you interpret from their body language? Are they at ease around you or do they seem a little hesitant? Are they paying attention to you or are they looking all over the place? There is no point in telling them something significant about your company if they are uncomfortable and not paying attention.

It is much better to strike up a conversation and, more importantly, to listen to someone else talk about themselves.

It's best to assume that when you first meet someone new, they won't be paying much attention to what you have to say. They are too preoccupied analyzing the visual information they are taking in.

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#6: Pretend to be listening while you are

Many people, especially men, listen but don't demonstrate that they are doing so. The other person cannot know what is going on in your head; they can only judge what they see. They will assume you are "out to lunch" if they notice your expression is vacant.

The key is to engage in active listening techniques like head nodding, the occasional "UH-HUH," and passing inquiries.

#7 - Be interested

Be interested if you want to be interesting. The most crucial action you can take to successfully market yourself is this.

Most people are very worried about how they come across. You can effectively improve someone's self-image if they feel that you value them, that you think they're important and worth listening to. People will adore you if you can make them feel good about themselves.

Avoid flattering the other person because the majority of people will see right through you and not fall for it. Simply expressing genuine interest in the client's business will make them much more receptive to your advice.

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#8: Speak kindly

Don't bring the conversation down by saying things like "Isn't it a terrible day" or "Business is pretty tough right now." Simply state the truth when you say things like, "I like the design of this office," or "I've heard good things about your new product."

#9: Represent the other person

This does not entail imitating the other person; rather, it simply entails speaking and acting in a way that is similar to the client.

For instance, if your client speaks slowly or quietly, you will likely do the same. Keep in mind that people like those who are similar to them.

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#10 - Warm and welcoming

Don't be surprised if the other person becomes defensive and less than willing to cooperate if you appear or sound stressed or aggressive.

You're more likely to receive a favorable response if you appear and sound friendly.

Being overly polite is not the point of this. It's about having a friendly smile on your face or a friendly voice on the phone.

We need to be as certain as we can be that the customer has chosen us and has their full attention before we can begin the process of selling our product, our service, or our ideas.

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