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How to be a Great Speaker Without Using Presentation Slides


How to be a Great Speaker Without Using Presentation Slides


I find it amazing that some speakers will show up for a speaking engagement without having any idea who their audience is. Many speakers simply become lazy and believe that everyone would want to hear their message because it is so important. They are completely mistaken. Knowing your audience will enable you to skew the information so that the audience feels as though it was prepared especially for them, even though your core message may be the same for everyone. They will be much more able to relate to the information and will regard you much more favorably for making something specifically for them. Naturally, you were frequently just slanting your information, but I won't say if you won't.

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Practice is the only way to sound professional when speaking. You cannot delegate this skill to another person. You are the one speaking into the microphone on stage, so your appearance will either be excellent or appalling. If you believe that the PowerPoint slides you or someone else created will transform you into a dynamic speaker, you are sadly mistaken and egotistical. There are specific practice methods that look very polished while taking up very little time. Bits is the name of one of these methods. You repeatedly practice a brief section of material. Instead of memorizing every word, you simply talk your way through it. By doing this, you can avoid becoming disoriented while performing on stage.


The following is my well-known asterisk technique, which I employ to prevent interruptions from hecklers during my presentation. Before I arrive at the event, I ask the group to identify any potential troublemakers. To give them the attention they want, I call these people and conduct interviews. The speech continues with me mentioning their names. This practically eliminates the possibility that they will criticize me for praising one of their opinions. This works really well, but avoid mentioning their names exclusively, as the audience members who are aware of their problems might assume that you are just as bad. Mention a wide range of audience members. Simply make sure the undesirables are present—this usually keeps them at bay.

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People are rarely motivated to act by tedious old facts. Speaking with much more impact when you learn to use words that arouse emotions in listeners. Simply by using the right words, you can elicit a wide range of emotions from the audience. Among them are joy, rage, sadness, and nostalgia. It is easier to choose which emotions to evoke when you are aware of why you are speaking in front of the group. Knowing your purpose makes it much simpler to choose words that will elicit the desired emotional response. Saying, "Do you remember when someone did something bad at school and the teacher smacked the yardstick on her desk?" is one way to bring someone back to a memorable childhood moment. The phrase "smacked the yardstick" would cause many adults to experience strong emotions. Since corporal punishment has all but vanished from schools, a younger group might not be able to relate to this phrase. You must choose words that your audience will understand.


Due to their preference for seclusion and privacy, people frequently struggle to put this concept into practice. This will make it more difficult for them to connect with the audience. Even though you don't have to share your darkest secrets when you're on stage, you could mention how much you enjoy cooking or horses. Anything that will help them get to know you better will increase your chances of making an emotional connection and winning their attention.

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A prop is equivalent to 1,000 words. When a thought is related to an item that relates to the point you are trying to make, people can really anchor it in their minds. You could use big, small, humorous, or dramatic props. Make sure the audience can see the prop and always connect it to the point you are attempting to make. Sometimes you'll want to keep the prop hidden until you're ready to present it so people won't wonder what it is.


Shakespeare himself inserted humour in the middle of his tragedies. In the face of challenging material, humour is a potent and effective tool that allows the audience's mind to relax. Additionally, it improves your likeability and enjoyment factor. Additionally, humour has a much higher chance of increasing the recall of your message. It's not necessary to tell jokes or be a stand-up comedian to use humour in speeches and presentations. There are numerous ways to add humour without any prior experience. You can read from books or periodicals, tell stories, or present humorous visuals. Make sure your humour relates to the point you are trying to make, just like you would with props, and you will be much more successful. There are about 20 humorous speeches in each issue of "Great Speaking."

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Don't you think it would be a good idea to get people to take action as a result of your presentation if you are going to bother taking up their time to speak to them? Even if they make a mistake, it's still better than doing nothing because they will at least have the opportunity to learn from it. The truth is that you are there for them, not the other way around, no matter how big your ego may be. I'm all for you establishing a good reputation, but if you approach your speech with the idea that it's all about you, it will come across, and you probably won't perform as well as you would have if you had focused more on the audience's needs.


Providing solutions to your audience's problems is one of the best ways to ensure their love for you. If you thoroughly researched your audience, you would already be aware of their issues. Your responsibility is to present them with suggestions. This is the main goal of motivational speaking, according to contemporary thought. It is no longer sufficient to get people fired up to the point where they are bouncing off the walls without knowing what to do with their newly discovered enthusiasm and motivation. Modern, qualified motivational speakers offer solutions and a strategy for achieving them. Those are inspiring, now.

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Even with the best planning, practice, and audience analysis, a presentation can be ruined if you fail to pay attention to all the little details. Prior to and following your speech, you should be aware of what is happening: How are they arranged? Or, are there no tables at all? Are they seated at round tables where half of them are facing away from you. What sort of microphone should I use? How big is the room's screen? Will alcohol be consumed by those present? What kind of lighting is there? All of these factors and many more have an impact on a presentation's overall effectiveness. The exact same words could be delivered with noticeably different logistics and have completely different reactions. Because of the way people are seated, you might even go from getting an excellent evaluation to getting a bomb. You must be aware of the variations and how they impact presentations.

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