7 Questions To Ask Yourself To Determine What Truly Motivates You
Being your best self is not always simple.
Limiting beliefs, self-doubt, fear, and worry were all there waiting to obstruct our way at every turn. I frequently consider myself to be somewhat satisfied with my life and the way things are, but I always set myself a new and challenging goal.
People's greatest obstacle is their fear of what will occur after they accomplish something in life, even though they really want to!
As an illustration, one of my coaching clients wanted to travel the globe but was afraid that once she did, she would have nothing left to strive for. Wanting in this situation was more potent than having! What would be left to do when the time came for her to return to the UK after travelling to every country she had hoped to? Nothing! Or so she believed.
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Knowing what motivates you and what inspires you to take action will help you live a life that is fun, exciting, and full of possibility. The best course of action is to constantly create, not at the expense of your existing goals or by flitting from one to the next without completing any of them, but rather so that you will always have something to strive for as one goal is accomplished.
The seven questions listed below can help you figure out what makes you "tick."
1. What do I truly desire, and why do I truly desire it?
You may have a tonne of goals for your life, some of which you may already be pursuing, but many more of which you may simply be discussing nonstop every day. They may occasionally be things that your spouse, parents, or other family members want you to do. Or perhaps you're doing it to prove a point to others, impart a lesson on someone, or demonstrate your accuracy.
STOP! Write down not only what you want, but also why you want it. If you discover that your desire lacks excitement, discard it. If you discover that your desire is actually driven by someone else's request or a need to prove a point, think about replacing it with something better. Consider carefully "What do I want," and then make sure the reason you give for wanting it will give you access to something exciting when you write the justification.
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2. Do I really need to change?
If history has taught us anything, it is to value the life we have lived, with all of its difficulties and thrills. Perhaps the real query is, "Am I prepared to change?" and, if not, "Why not?" Are you restraining yourself out of concern for the unknowable? What effects will starting or stopping something have on those nearby? You can think about these issues, but avoid using them as a justification for inaction!
3. What is the positive aspect of this?
There doesn't seem to be any space for even thinking about the light at the end of the tunnel when there is so much going on around us. Without being subjected to as much scrutiny, we can still view "the light" as something positive. There is no reason to be afraid of what is yet to come or the unknown. Instead of seeing the train as something that will run you over, you might decide to board it if it's what you think is at the end of your own personal tunnel.
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4. Am I taking care of myself enough?
Do you still have any unfinished business? Think about how much you do for yourself compared to other people. Discontentment in any area can be soul-destroying. Do you allow yourself enough time to unwind and enjoy yourself? Include some of this in your aspirations for a thrilling new future. You are at least on the road to taking action once you determine whether you have taken enough care of yourself or if there is still more you can do.
5. Am I content with my present situation?
Let there be an answer because the question is unfair. Can't think of any small things in life to appreciate or be grateful for? Having the ability to read this article would be nice. Be thankful for your computer and the internet if you're online; if you have a printed copy, be thankful that you can read and see the words. Be appreciative of the music you enjoy listening to and dancing to as well as the gloves that keep your hands warm. Even if it's not where you want to be, be content with where you are right now, and then make a commitment to move in that direction. Oh! Additionally, be sure to act!
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6. Do other people find me attractive?
It's possible that I don't have a response to that, but that doesn't mean I can't try. You should always keep in mind that any changes you make will always be for your own benefit, whether you slim down, alter how you wear your clothes or your hair, or even how you behave around other people. You are acting on your own behalf; you are not doing this for the approval of others or because "they" think it is necessary. Changing your attitude can help you become more appealing to others. Are you typically arrogant, bossy, or hostile? These are characteristics that won't help you make friends or have an impact on others! Being a total yes person won't help either. Examine your ability to appeal to others and how you can strengthen your inner strength so that you can do so at all times while maintaining your personal power.
7. What inspires and interests me?
What inspires you? You must determine the solution for yourself. Everyone can be happy with so many different things, but choosing just one might be the most difficult part. Think back to a time when you were highly motivated and/or excited, and then consider a time when you weren't as motivated. What did the motivated situation have that the unmotivated one lacked? When you realize that you have some resources to make sure you ALWAYS stay motivated and enthusiastic!
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What thus drives you most deeply? Almost anything is possible for you to become, but if you approach what truly motivates you with the belief that it is unattainable, you are already blocking your path and giving up before you even begin that journey.
Finding out what makes you tick, what drives you to succeed, and what you want for yourself and your life is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself when you feel like life is slipping away from you or like you lack direction.
Think about the question "What's your impossible promise?" that was asked in a course I recently attended. What ambitious objective do you have that would not only last you a lifetime but also leave a legacy for others to carry on?
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