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Every human has the inherent right to happiness, the freedom from all of life's ills. Happiness is the norm, just like the seasons and the natural world. Suffering is not natural, and we only experience it as a result of our ignorance. Wisdom is what leads to happiness. Achieving perfect wisdom, fully understanding life's meaning and the connections between people will allow you to put an end to all suffering and free yourself from all ills and evils that plague you. Joy without shadows is perfect wisdom.

Why do we endure pain in life? Because we are being pushed through evolution in the natural order of things and lack spiritual illumination, which is the only thing that can show us the way and make it possible for us to safely navigate the challenges that lie ahead. Typically, trouble doesn't even enter our awareness until it suddenly leaps upon us like a tiger in shadow. One day, our family will be happy and complete. After a week, the death has passed and joy has been replaced by suffering. We have a friend here today. We do not know why he will be our enemy tomorrow.

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We once enjoyed wealth and all the creature comforts. We are only left with poverty and misery as a result of a sudden change, and we have looked in vain for a reason why this should be the case. We once enjoyed good health and strength, but they have since disappeared without leaving any sign of a cause. Aside from these bigger tragedies of life, countless other smaller things continue to cause us minor misery and pain. We try our hardest to avoid them, but we never notice them until they strike us or until we stumble upon them in the mist of ignorance.

We lack the spiritual enlightenment that would allow us to search far and wide for the hidden causes of human suffering and reveal how to prevent them. If we could only achieve enlightenment, the evolutionary journey would be both easy and quick. It feels as though we must move through a lengthy, dark space with furniture strewn about promiscuously. We would move slowly and painfully in the dark, and we would sustain numerous bruises. However, if there was a button we could push to turn on the electric light, we could then quickly and comfortably travel the same distance.

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The traditional approach to education consisted of filling the mind with as many real or imagined facts as possible while also giving the personality a certain amount of exterior polish. According to the theory, a man was already fully formed when he was born, and all that could be done for him was to provide him with information, which he would use with varying degrees of skill depending on the natural ability he happened to be born with.

According to the theosophical theory, the physical man and everything that makes up his life in the physical world are but a very limited expression of the self; each person's ego possesses practically limitless power and wisdom; these qualities may be expressed in the physical world as the physical body and its invisible counterparts, which together form the complex vehicle of the ego's manifestation, are evolved and suited to the purpose; and that in each person's ego, there is a source of wisdom and power that is. Thus, the path to happiness is illuminated from within, and everyone's evolutionary journey may be spared from its pain.

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Why does dying cause pain? mainly because it keeps us apart from those we care about. Only because we do not comprehend death and the role it plays in human evolution do we feel grief or fear when it occurs. But when our ignorance gives way to understanding, this fear disappears, and a calm happiness takes its place.

Why do we have adversaries who harm us with their words or deeds? Because of the limitations of our physical consciousness, we are unable to recognize the unity of all life and are therefore unaware of the consequences of our wrongdoings on others. This leaves us with no other option than to stop thinking evil thoughts while patiently awaiting the moment when the causes we have already created will have fully played out. The last enemy will vanish and we won't create any more in the future once spiritual illumination arrives and we are no longer lost in the night of ignorance.

Why do people experience disease and poverty? They can only exist for us due to our willful ignorance, lack of understanding of their significance and lessons, and lack of knowledge regarding the appropriate attitude to adopt in their presence. They wouldn't bother us any longer if we had the wisdom to comprehend why they affect people and why they are essential to their evolution. These silent teachers will disappear once nature's lesson has been fully understood.

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And this is true of any kind of suffering we go through. They serve as both corrections for our ignorance-based mistakes and guides for the better course of action. When we have learned the lessons they impart, they become unnecessary and vanish. Men do not become wise and great by acquiring external knowledge. It is done by nurturing the soul from within until it floods the brain with the light known as genius.

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