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How To Develop Your Personal Style And Communication Skills


Here are six suggestions to help you communicate more effectively:

1. Once you are aware of your unique communication style, learning how to enhance communication skills will be simpler.

Every person communicates in a different way. Pay attention to what you say. What language do you employ? What kind of body language are you displaying, as well as your vocal pitch? 

Now consider a person who, in your perspective, communicates well. Put their style up against yours. You've just made a crucial first move towards learning how to communicate better.

2. Examine the styles of individuals around you now that you are aware of your own. How do the individuals that matter most to you communicate? How do they communicate? Look for strategies you can copy and customize.

3. Adapt to the various communication modalities. Don't assume that since it has been years that it is too late to alter your communication style. You had to learn how to communicate in the first place, and you have the ability to adjust or unlearn particular behaviors. We occasionally find ourselves in a communication rut.

A parent once struggled with his daughter, who was in her teen years. He believed she wasn't telling him about what was happening in her life as she grew and developed. He questioned her, "Why didn't you inform me?" as they were engaged in an argument.

She replied that she had, but he was talking over her and couldn't hear her. He discovered that adapting his communication approach to his daughter would need him to first listen before offering a solution.

4. In order to establish rapport, try to mimic the motions, posture, and conversational style of your discussion partner. Mirror one or two of their actions but avoid copying everything they do. For instance, you copy the individual if they respond to inquiries with primarily succinct responses.

Alternately, if they speak more slowly than you do, slow down your speech to match theirs. This may seem straightforward, but it's a highly effective method to make someone feel at ease and at ease in your presence.

5. Your communication style at home could differ from that in another setting. Make sure to adjust your style to the new environment. You might want to speak privately with your best friend about a few things.

In a group context, other items can be discussed. Change your communication style to fit the situation to learn how to communicate more effectively. Many of us are familiar with someone who speaks out excessively in a group setting.

6. Don't be critical of other people's communication styles. We would quickly grow bored with one another if we all used the same communication style.

A effective strategy to enhance your communication abilities is to gain a solid understanding of your communication style and learn how to work with other people's styles.

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